A young couple enjoys a hot meal together at a soup kitchen.

Don’t Face Food Insecurity Alone

There is no shame in seeking support to ensure you and your family have enough nutritious food to live full, active and healthy lives.

About 1 in 9 working-age Veterans faces food insecurity. Like millions of other Americans, many Veterans are forced to choose between necessities like purchasing food, paying rent or keeping up with their bills.

But it’s important to understand that you aren’t alone if you’re experiencing challenges with accessing healthy and affordable food. Learn more about food insecurity and what resources and services are available to support you.

What Is Food Insecurity?

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), food insecurity is the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods.

With the rising costs of food, child care and health care, Veterans can experience food insecurity the same way any person can, but Veterans may face it for additional reasons, including:

  • A difficult transition to civilian life – Finding a job and permanent housing can take some time after transitioning out of the military.
  • Physical or mental health conditions – Some Veterans manage physical and mental health conditions from their time in the military, which can make it difficult to secure steady employment.
  • Spouse unemployment or underemployment – During their time in the military, a Veteran’s spouse or partner may have been underemployed or unemployed because of relocations, deployments or other reasons connected to your military service.

What Resources Are Available to Help?A family meets with a professional seeking support and guidance for food security.

Dealing with food insecurity can feel isolating, but millions of people from every county in the U.S. experience it every day.

You aren’t alone and there is no shame in seeking support to ensure you and your family have enough nutritious food to live full, active and healthy lives.

The Department of Veterans Affairs Food Security Office aims to improve food security, access to nutritious diets and healthful nutrition education for Veterans. Some helpful resources include:

The USDA also offers several resources aimed at nutrition security, including:

Feeding America has a lot of great resources as well, including:

Blue Star Families has additional food insecurity resources, such as

You don’t have to suffer in silence. If you’re struggling to provide enough nutritious food for you and your family, reach out and get the support you need.

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